Sunday, December 2, 2007

Enchanted :D:D:D

Click Enchanted over there>>
Invite friends and do a survey. I did mine and it says like I love shopping which is pretty much true yea?!
It's soooooooo pretty! I wanna watch.
I was so bored at home but when I try touching my hw, I can almost faint.

Okay, my lips are so red, thick and swollen! It's half my braces fault but the main reason is.. I over-brushed my teeth. I spent about 30 minutes to brush my teeth.
Oh, how wonderful is it?! uhuhuhuh

I slept for less than 3 hours last night.. The room was freaking cold man! I woke up at 4am and started rolling on the mattress. I look almost like snail!
I couldn't sleep after that but honest speaking, I was the lazy one who didn't want to step on the ground to get the remote of the air-con. :P


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